We specialize in conducting audits of projects co-financed from European Union funds, prepare opinions and reports of the audits. The purpose of the audit is to provide evidence allowing with sufficient certainty on the assessment by the auditor, whether the project is proceeding according to the contract and a request for funding for the project and the regulations in force, on the implementation of the project and to obtain reasonable assurance that the expenditure incurred under the project are eligible and the opinion of the auditor in this respect.
In the course of the audit we verify:
- Whether the actions concerned incurred expenses actually been executed,
- The requests for payment are consistent with the requirements of the contract and whether they are supported by relevant financial documents.
Audit of EU aims to:
- Checking whether the expenditure is consistent with the guidelines of the Managing Authorities and the European Commission guidelines issued for specific programs.
- Assessment of the correctness and effectiveness of the management of the project and its control.
- Assessment of the correctness of recognizing incurred and accounted for eligible expenditures for services, goods purchased and fixed assets, payroll costs and other expenses on the basis of risk analysis.
- Validation procedures applied in the framework of made orders for goods and services and correctness of contracts.
- Checking the operation of the internal control systems related to, among others, public procurement procedures, approval of expenditure.
- Confirmation of the accuracy of reporting and monitoring of the project.
- Determining whether errors and irregularities in the use of EU funds are detected and corrected in a timely manner.
The external audit of EU projects should be based on the results of the risk analysis. During the implementation of the audit reviewed a sample of the total eligible expenses incurred. Bearing in mind that the purpose of sampling is to draw conclusions about the entire population, it is important that the selection of the sample in such a way as to be representative.